The importance of public health care for women

STD such as HIV is an essential public health issue for women in America. Yearly around 27% of the new HIV infections are in women and heterosexual transmission accounts for eighty three percent of the said infections. There was a current national study that created 12% of the HIV/AIDS infections among women to the associations involving Intimate Partner Violence. In the current studies, there is a link between the male perpetrate IPV with the carnal peril actions, that includes the rise in the number of sexual partners, the use of condoms and trading money or drugs for sex. As the examiners decide that IPV disturbs the sexual risk in women, little did they know that the tools by which the IPV indicates the dangerous sexual behavior.

This is the idea behind the newly distributed learning with the senior scientist according to Senn. The link between the IPV and the lesser rates of those who use condoms has been investigated by the researchers; however, only few have investigated the reason behind this association. The researches along with the clinicians have presumed that women in a vicious relationship distress with the use of a condom, however, only few studies have noted that this is the real case, she relays that those investigations were made by the teens, wherein some of the factors might be playing, this study on the other hand is centered on adult women.

The researches and the tests can help

As a portion of the random controlled test of this research, those who joined were taken from the upstate of NYC public clinic that focuses on treating STDs. Those who joined completely in the computerized questionnaire asking them about the dangerous sexual act, passionate relationships and other associated covariates and others confusing variables. This is based on the reports from those who have participated, according to Senn. The results of the researches made propose that those women who are associated in an IVP relationship are scared that their partners may answer with the violence if they asked to use a condom that will turn be the leads to use condom less often for the said number of women.

She even added that securing themselves from all the risks of being pregnant in an unexpected manner and STDs that includes HIV is not that simple as giving a condom to your partner and tell him to wear it during an intercourse. There are special findings, according to the study that 17% of the samples reported with IPV over the last 3 months. In the current IPV that was linked with the anxiety of violent significances to asks for condoms. Women who reported IPV also indicated that they had hardships in dealing with safer sex behaviors with their partners. For those who are in this kind of relationships, the fear of violent results will show off and that will be a big hindrance in the capacity of a woman to secure her from having HIV or other STDs.