STD Labs Blog :: Page 74
Lab visits that take as little as 15 minutes & results in 48 to 72 hours
FDA approved or CLIA certified Lab Centers
Unprotected Sex No Matter How You Do It Is Dangerous
When you think of how we enjoy swimming, you can only imagine how pleasurable it can be to have sex in that pool. You don’t have to worry about lubrication given that water is all around you. That doesn’t make you safe from catching an STD and you should go for STD Testing if you have practiced this before with a partner whom you don’t have good information about their status.
Lab visits that take as little as 15 minutes & results in 48 to 72 hours
FDA approved or CLIA certified Lab Centers
Check The Following Points And Keep STDs At Bay
We all know how comfortable and good we feel after a shave down there. It can be disturbing to hear that by doing so we will be increasing our chances of contracting sexually transmitted diseases. The intercourse itself without protection is enough to make you get infected, whether you had shaven or not. Some may observe that if one shaves and immediately participates in unprotected sexual activity they increase the risk of getting diseases through the open poles. STD Testing is vital to ensure that your partner is as clean as you are.
Lab visits that take as little as 15 minutes & results in 48 to 72 hours
FDA approved or CLIA certified Lab Centers
Youths Should Be Offered Sexual Health Education Early
Between January and April last year, Lubbock County reported 41 cases of syphilis infections, which is triple the rate that was a year earlier. Chlamydia cases were also high in comparison to previous data, but HIV and gonorrhea were still in control. Lubbock is known to have a high rate of sexually transmitted diseases cases, where it ranks at number 15 among all the counties in Texas.
Lab visits that take as little as 15 minutes & results in 48 to 72 hours
FDA approved or CLIA certified Lab Centers
The Causes Of The Abrupt Increase In The Infections
The year 2015 recorded an increase in STD infections, which were so high to make researchers wonder whether it was all about unprotected sex. The use of the three preventive measure that are the use of condoms, routine STD Testing and being faithful to a single sex partner can lower the infection rates, but given that people were aware just as before the rise in the infections in Gallatin County couldn’t be clearly explained.
Lab visits that take as little as 15 minutes & results in 48 to 72 hours
FDA approved or CLIA certified Lab Centers
U.S. Leading States In STD Infections
America can lower the country's budget if they practice safe sex, because according to research, the cost of putting sexually transmitted diseases in control every year is around 16 billion dollars. America records about 30 million new infections every year, a statistic that can be controlled if people could only take care of their sexual practices.
The worrying part about this research is that almost half of the affected people are adolescents aged between 15 and 24 years.