Chlamydia Test

Chlamydia is a prevalent, sexually transmitted infection in the US—may be more than many of us think. It hardly shows symptoms, which makes it difficult to detect.

One CDC study shows the United States reported more than 1.5 million chlamydia incidents in 2017. 

That is to say, in every 100,000 Americans, approximately were Chlamydia victims. This number has more than doubled from 2 decades ago when it was almost 250.

And while you may have heard about this widespread STI, you may be curious about what happens during a chlamydia test.

It’s okay to want to familiarize yourself with the testing procedures because it prepares you psychologically and helps you demystify myths related to STD testing.

Chlamydia: Transmission and Symptoms

Chlamydia is the disease that manifests when one is infected with bacteria Chlamydia trachomatis. It can be contracted through sexual interaction— meaning the infection can be passed through the vagina, anus, throat, penis — and sometimes, eyes.

The primary concern with this STI is; it hardly shows symptoms in most people. That means one can be infected for a long time without their knowledge.

As a consequence, it can worsen and lead to pelvic inflammatory diseases (PID)— if not detected and treated it time. PID can lead to sterility in females.

Those who see symptoms experience a painful; pelvis, rectum, abdomen, testicles, urination, and painful sex in females. Other symptoms include frequent peeing, bleeding between periods (in females), and strange anal secretions.

In those who show symptoms, it takes 1 to 2 weeks from the exposure time for the above signs to appear.

STD Testing for Chlamydia

Now that you know everything else. It is also important to learn what happens during a test for chlamydia.

First, it helps to learn that a chlamydia test can be done in two ways, (1) by collecting swabs from the victim or (2) running tests on their urine or blood sample.

1.Chlamydia tests in females.

During a swab test. Females must undress their lower body (only), and lie down on the examination bed. A paper or piece of cloth is provided for cover. The physician conducts a swab in the anus, vagina, mouth, and throat using clean swabs every time.

But swabs can be a painful experience. So, a better alternative is the urine or blood sample test.

For urine, the healthcare provider gives a sample collection cup which you should fill with a specified amount of urine in a washroom. 

After that, you will give back the sample to the lab specialist who will run tests and give results in a couple of days.

Blood tests involve collecting a blood sample, which the doctor will do— and is much like the many blood tests we’ve done before.

2.Chlamydia tests in males.

Men will also need to undress halfway, use a piece of cloth to cover themselves and sit on the examination bed.

The physician will take a swab of the penis, urethra, mouth, and sometimes, the anus. But these swabs can hurt, so most men go for the urine and blood sample test.

When to Schedule a Chlamydia Test

You suspect you need to test for chlamydia, but you’re still caught in a dilemma. Here are the many instances when doing a test is a good idea.

  1. You just had sex with a mate who’s not your partner.
  2. You tripped and never used protection.
  3. You are entering a new relationship.
  4. You are single/solo and engage in sex frequently
  5. You need a full STD screening. 
  6. You have not tested for long and would like to take one.

Chlamydia, like many STIs, can be prevented in many ways. And prevention is always better than treatment and cure. Always engage in protected sex, whether oral, anal, or vaginal. Reduce the number of sex partners to a minimum and avoid new sexual encounters, especially when under the influence.


STD testing must not be painful and embarrassing. You can take a private and confidential chlamydia test that doesn’t involve swabs at STD Labs and pay in many different ways.