What are the HIV symptoms?
Date: August 18th, 2016
Knowing HIV and HIV symptoms
HIV or human immunodeficiency virus is a subgroup of retrovirus, which causes infections and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome or AIDS. Now, HIV has no known methods that will treat or cure patient infected with that virus. If an infected person does not undergo any treatment depending on the HIV subtype, his average survival time is estimated to be 9 to 11 years. However, there are scientific breakthroughs, which can help the immune system to fight that virus and can prolong one’s life.
HIV can be commonly transmitted through sexual intercourse by semen, vaginal fluid, pre-ejaculate, breast milk or blood. Other transmission cases involve in injecting used needles from an infected person, and through pregnancy by which the mother is an HIV positive. Numbers of infected individuals are rapidly growing every year in all parts of the world. Knowing HIV and HIV symptoms can be a great way in fighting and preventing it in spreading.
HIV symptoms to take heed
Early HIV symptoms cannot be easily noticed and often be mild. It can be noticed after months or even years without early consultations, and if so, symptoms are more severe. Unfortunately, a person without early HIV symptoms but is infected with the virus can still pass the virus to another.
HIV symptoms may include mild flu, lack of energy, and headache. Recurrently, these symptoms may be gone within few weeks and go back again. Another early symptom that may appear is swollen glands. Our body is composed of lymphatic nodes, either in the groin, armpits, back of the head and in the neck, which is a part of immune system. When an infection begins to spread then our immune system fights with it. As a result, the lymph nodes are enlarged or swollen.
Infections are also one of HIV symptoms. When our immune system slows down, as a result of HIV, it is impossible for it to fight and kill opportunistic bacteria. Consequently, HIV positive persons are more prone to infections of the lungs, kidneys, brain and eyes. An HIV-positive person may suffer long periods of fever. Oftentimes, that fever is accompanied with nighttime sweets, which can affect sleep. HIV may also affect one’s reproductive system. They may experience changes or nascence of menstrual cycle or periods and may develop a yeast infection, genital warts, and even cancer. It can also lead to the development of skin rashes and sores in the anus, genitals, and mouth that may be arduous to cure. Advanced symptoms may develop in later years, for instance, mental confusion, coma, and memory loss. At a severe stage of HIV, AIDS be developed. Severely compromised immune system and infections are difficult to battle off, and even death may happen. Therefore, ensure you go for rapid HIV Testing.