What is the Dark Side of Oral Sex and What STDs can be transmitted through it?

Is oral sex really good sex? Well, this depends on your understanding and how you define sex.

Oral sex may be defined as the stimulation of the genitals using the lips, tongue and mouth. Oral sex is common among adults and can happen between straight people, gay or lesbians couples.

Oral sex comes with both good news and bad news:

Most people practise oral sex because of the assurance that they can’t get pregnant but they ignore the fact that they can get sexually transmitted infections.

For basic biology, STDs are bacteria that rely on a mucous membrane (certain kind of a skin). This skin may be seen on the head of a penis, rectum, vagina and the labia. But guess what? This kind of a skin is present on the inside of the mouth and the throat. This therefore means that all these parts are vulnerable to infections caused by oral sex.

STDs are frequently transmitted through oral sex, you can get infected even if you only have one sexual partner but the risk is much greater when you have multiple partners.

Regular check-ups by a doctor are important for sexually active people, this helps in identifying the infection early and treating the disease before it spreads.

How do you know if you have STDs?

STDs symptoms vary depending on the type of infection. Most of the noted symptoms are itching, swelling of the genitals and painful blisters. However these symptoms are noted way after the manifestation on the disease on the mucous membrane.

Regular check-ups are therefore important in ensuring that any infection is detected on time and treated.

The following are some of the STD through oral sex


Human Papillomavirus is the most common sexually transmitted disease passed through oral sex.

HPV strains live on the mucous membrane and may lead to an increase in the spread of cancer in future. The strains cause warts on the membranes and may be very dangerous if not identified in time.

There is no treatment for HPV but there is a vaccination that protects one from getting the strains regardless of the type of sex they engage in. Sometimes it is difficult to know if you ever had the HPV strains since they are not visible and may disappear after some time.

Transmission of HPV during oral sex.

HPV can live in the mouth and at the back of the throat. Both genders are vulnerable to getting this disease as long as they engage in oral sex.


There are two type of herpes transmitted during oral sex. HSV 1 and HSV 2, the two viruses can occur anywhere the mucous membrane is present.

HSV1 causes cold sores around the mouth while HSV2 causes genital herpes. Herpes are accompanied by painful blisters but at the initial stages when they are not noticeable can are highly transmitted.

Oral sex with an infected person may cause genital herpes.


If you have oral sex with a person with gonorrhoea, throat infection is possible. It is highly spread if the male ejaculates in the mouth.

It causes sores on the throat and may take a long time before it is noticed.


It is possible to transmit this STD through oral sex. Both the recipient and the person performing the act are at risk of getting the disease.

However, the in other directions may be unlikely since they the infection is mainly in the cervix.


Oral sex is responsible for the increase in the number of people getting syphilis.

The STD is majorly passed during the primary and secondary stages when the symptoms are not vivid. Many people do not know that they are infected with syphilis and transmit it to their partners.

Oral sex may be the best way of satisfying some people sexual desires but it also has its disadvantages. Taking precautions whenever you are engaging in oral sex is important to ensure you safe and free from STDs and ensure you regularly go for STD tests.