
STD Labs Blog :: Page 92

Date:   June 26th, 2016
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STD that is misdiagnosed

The urinary tract, as well as the STDs in women is often misdiagnosed by the emergency departments and ½ of the time linked to the American Society for Microbiology. The mis-diagnosis results in the overuse of the antibiotics and the increased in antibiotics resistance according to Hecker and her collaborators. Less than ½ of women who were detected with a UTI infection had one according to Hecker. STDs were missed in around 37% of the women; a lot of those were misdiagnosed with the UTIs. The outcome, according to her strongly suggests that the ER department, diagnostic testing techniques for both kinds of infection must be re-checked.

Date:   June 23rd, 2016
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How the treatment for chlamydia goes

The present standard of handling the treatment for chlamydia oftentimes failed to destroy the ailment, this is according to the assessment posted on the infection and immunity print out, they thought that it might be because of the gut.  The chlamydia trachomatis not just cause infections on the reproductive system, but also stand persistently, even if found benign in the GI tract. There, it stays even after being taken away from the genitals using an antibiotic like azithromycin according to the author Roger Rank. The reservoir is just as the source of all other typical re-infections in accordance with the treatment. This can be very helpful to those who are infected.  

Date:   June 20th, 2016
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The importance of public health care for women

STD such as HIV is an essential public health issue for women in America. Yearly around 27% of the new HIV infections are in women and heterosexual transmission accounts for eighty three percent of the said infections. There was a current national study that created 12% of the HIV/AIDS infections among women to the associations involving IPV. In the current studies, there is a link between the male perpetrate IPV with the carnal peril actions, that includes the rise in the number of sexual partners, the use of condoms and trading money or drugs for sex. As the examiners decide that IPV disturbs the sexual risk in women, little did they know that the tools by which the IPV indicates the dangerous sexual behavior.

Date:   June 17th, 2016
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The help that alcohol taxes bring in lowering STD cases

The ever growing taxes concerning alcohol have helped prevent STD cases from emerging like gonorrhea. This is according to the Florida Health Researchers who found out that gonorrhea rates have lessened by around 24% in Maryland after the authorities amplified the sales tax rate of alcoholic beverages in 2011. Manifold researches have shown that boosting the taxes of the alcohol can help in lowering down the alcohol consumption of the people. If they will drink less of it, the risk of sexual behavior likes unprotected sex or having sex with new partners. In 2014, the rate of the infection from the gonorrhea, syphilis and even chlamydia is quite substantial nationwide and in young individuals who are actually responsible for around 2/3 of gonorrhea as well as chlamydia cases. The UF health research is among the very first to quantify the effect of alcohol taxes on the rate of the sexually transmitted diseases.

Date:   June 14th, 2016
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The spreading of the STDs


It has been said that the growing transmission of STD in the case of the pair off is powerful in molding the immune system of the mammals. There is a current journal showing that this idea doesn’t fit the rodents and that living instances, and the environment can be the key factors in knowing the variations in the immune investment among mammals.  The immunity secures the organisms over the diseases. This means that finding out the factors which will mold the system is in the best interest among humans and animals according to medical science.

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