
STD Labs Blog :: Page 97

Date:   April 17th, 2016
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The public health officials express their growing worries about the antibiotic resistance of gonorrhea. Just a month ago, the health officials in Great Britain warned the country’s doctors along with pharmacies about the risks stood by the drug resistant strains of the STI. This concern is now being rebounded by the Dr. Kirkcaldy; he works as an epidemiologist in the STD prevention. The resistance of gonorrhea along with the prospect of the uncured gonorrhea can be considered as a real threat, he added. This s with the strains of being resistant and can now is determined in various parts of the globe.

Date:   April 14th, 2016
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In June of 2014, around 400,000 Americans might have the STD chlamydia, but they do not know that they have it; this is according to a new research. There were government reports and they have estimated nearly 1.8M people in the US have chlamydia,however, only 1.4M of infected people has been recorded.

Date:   April 8th, 2016
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Lab visits that take as little as 15 minutes & results in 48 to 72 hours

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In February of 2014, there was news about kids and how the influential bodies must provide them with STD awareness long before they learn how to engage in sex. Having a comfortable and serene environment at home, having good friends and nice environment in school can help a child reduce the risk of getting STDs according to a study?

Date:   April 2nd, 2016
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Lab visits that take as little as 15 minutes & results in 48 to 72 hours

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In May of 2014 in an interview, it was said that those who are at high risk of having HIV must be the target of the antiHIV pill. The virus that causes AIDS, must take the antiHIV pill that may be of help in lowering the spreading risk, the USCDCP was the one who made the announcement.

Date:   March 30th, 2016
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Lab visits that take as little as 15 minutes & results in 48 to 72 hours

FDA approved or CLIA certified Lab Centers

The instances of babies born with syphilis are currently growing in America. As the syphilis increase among women, the doctors possibly perceived more babies with serious infection upon delivery,

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