
STD Labs Blog :: Page 96

Date:   May 2nd, 2016
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If the present HIV rates go on by around ½ of the rate of gay and bisexual black men in the US. They will mostly be detected with the AIDS virus in their lifetime. This is in accordance with the new analysis. The gay and the bisexual Hispanic men, which is another populace who are at risk of having HIV have 1 in 4 probabilities of contracting HIV, this is in accordance with the report coming from the US CDC. The rates may be alarming, because of the lifelong risk accompanied by the said rough numbers. They are not inevitable in terms of the conclusion. They are the call to action according to the director of the CDC. The care and so do with the preventive measures in handling this problem available these days may be promising for the future of the reducing HIV infections and differences in the US; however, thousands of people will also be detected with it during their lifetime if they will not scale up and make an effort now.

Date:   April 29th, 2016
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In November of 2015, one of the many antibiotics meant for STD like gonorrhea may be losing its efficiency, according to health officials during a report to warn the people who are at higher risk. The USCDCPs current tracking suggests that even if the resistance to the antibiotic treatment Cefixime decrease in 2011 to 2013, it still stated to sneak back in 2014. But there is actually good news with the use of Cefixime and that is not typically the very 1st drug for the treatment of gonorrhea infections. The CDCs most current rules for the treatment of gonorrhea treatment were released in 2012 and that so the new record is quite alarming.

Date:   April 26th, 2016
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In November of 2015, there was a STD Rates report about the number of instances of 3 sexually transmitted diseases that went up last year for the very first time since 2006; this is the primary concern of the US health department in an interview. In 2014, more than 1.4M instances of chlamydia were recorded by the USCDCP, while 2.8% was recorded in 2013. This is the highest on record so far when it comes to the cases of the STD that were reported to the CDC, this is according to the researchers during the yearly report. Primarily, there was also a rise in STD Rates recorded in the cases of syphilis by around 15% after test results, while gonorrhea is around 5%. The rates of people with syphilis are prominent among gay. This is according to a report in 2014 by the CDCs.

Date:   April 23rd, 2016
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In November of 2015, there is a report about limited Americans who are at a high risk for having HIV infections. Most of them are taking Truvada daily; this may save them from having the virus that causes AIDS according to the federal health department. The health care staffs should help in boosting the patients and their awareness with the use of the pill; this is according to the health experts strained. Around 25% of the sexually energetic bisexual men, 20% of the injection HIV Prevention Pill users and then a smaller amount of than 1% of the sexually energetic heterosexuals are at high risk for having HIV infection; this is in accordance with the USCDCP report.

Date:   April 20th, 2016
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In December of 2015, the number of Americans that were detected with HIV yearly after the Rapid HIV Test went down by around 1/5 during the past 10 years; however, not all of the groups went down in occurrence. This is based on the research made by the federal government. Between the year 2005-2014, the entire yearly number of HIV detected went down by 19%, this data came from the 48,800 to just more than 39, 700 yearly. The HIV Falling Rates was directed by a 63% fall among the users of injectable drugs, while a 42% of the fall among black women, moreover, the fall among heterosexuals were around 35%.

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