
STD Labs Blog :: Page 94

Date:   May 29th, 2016
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The report of the CDC about the prevention of STD is not that good this year. The number of chlamydia cases along with gonorrhea in the US grows from 2013-2014, just after growing down from the past few years. The cases related to syphilis have been growing for the past 10 years; it went up by more than 2014. Chlamydia, gonorrhea & syphilis are the top 3 most typical STDs in the Us that are also noticeable, that means that the health departments are mandated to come up with a new report about the incidents to the CDC. HIV and so do with shigella are also included in the list of the STDs that people must watch out for.

Date:   May 26th, 2016
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There was a new research about men and their low testosterone levels being linked with weakness as well as other health related issues in men with HIV. The researchers took some blood samples from more than 1,000 men and they measured the serum amount of the testosterone, luteinizing hormone, HIV parameters and estradiol. Thus it resulted from 212 of these subjects around 15% with an indicated low levels of the entire testosterone as well as 183 of them or 13% also had secondary hypogonadism.

Date:   May 23rd, 2016
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According to Ms. Irwin, a medical epidemiologist at the CDC in Atlanta, Georgia during the preventive meeting held in 2015, the first important update of the federal guidelines was given in 2003. The current proof based guidelines have developed and have been recommended to the clinical and non-clinical providers along with the health department staff members who gave the populace level of preventive measures and care services. She also stressed out the use of multidisciplinary teams and collaboration of clinic, public health sectors and nonclinical to raise the quality and the preventive care services, she explained.

Date:   May 20th, 2016
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Common STDs like Gonorrhea, syphilis & chlamydia are just few of the STDs that were rising in the US. This is based on the survey report done in 2014 from the CDC. The STDs in US have been a top subject even more so as of the moment. Charlie Sheen, an actor was said to have HIV and in October of last year, the WHO has just said that more than 1.2 of the world suffers from Herpes. The CDC has reported that their attention is merely focused to some other STDs that they want to fight as they reach the top medical charts in the US. The America’s falling STD pandemic is just a wakeup call for the medical experts to have a clear and better diagnosis and treatment for STDs, but it is also important for them to learn how to prevent these diseases from spreading.

Date:   May 17th, 2016
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Lab visits that take as little as 15 minutes & results in 48 to 72 hours

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STDs usually have their own disgraces, especially because they can affect the other parts of the body and not just your genital organs. Some of the possible signs that you have an STD will show off on your skin. Based on the study, conducted by the CDC reports, and showed that it is the US that has the highest STD rates in the world with more than 20M cases yearly. As the primary of these infections appear on the skin, the dermatologists are now becoming involved in the treatment along with the gynecologists, infectious disease specialists and urologists.

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