
STD Labs Blog :: Page 95

Date:   May 17th, 2016
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STDs usually have their own disgraces, especially because they can affect the other parts of the body and not just your genital organs. Some of the possible signs that you have an STD will show off on your skin. Based on the study, conducted by the CDC reports, and showed that it is the US that has the highest STD rates in the world with more than 20M cases yearly. As the primary of these infections appear on the skin, the dermatologists are now becoming involved in the treatment along with the gynecologists, infectious disease specialists and urologists.

Date:   May 14th, 2016
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Based on the newest study, there is an STD that has been becoming very common nowadays. They study has discovered that the bacterium called Mycoplasma genitalium, which was said to be sexually transmitted has been infecting a lot of people by more than 1% in the UK. They are in between the ages of 16-44 years old. This is around 250,000 based on the census data released in UK. The studies in the US have discovered that there is a comparable rate of people who are also infected with MG. That makes MG the most typical STD type than gonorrhea, based on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Date:   May 11th, 2016
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The public health experts are now showing their worries about the growing issue in accordance with the antibiotic resistant issue with gonorrhea patients. Just in February, the health officers in Britain were alarmed with the doctors and pharmacies plea about the possible risks of the drug resistant strains of the STI. That problem is now mirrored by Dr. Robert Kirkcaldy of the US CDC. The resistant gonorrhea and the vision of the gonorrhea that cannot be treated are a real threat. This is in accordance with the resistant strains that are now determined in various parts of the globe.

Date:   May 8th, 2016
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While the HIV analyses plunged accordingly completed the previous decades in the US, the black with HIV are not probable than whites or Hispanics to get a routine and ongoing care. This is in accordance with the US CDC. From 2005-2014, the yearly HIV diagnoses went down by 19% in the US. The infections in black women went down by around 42% during those times. Aside from the development in the battle over the HIV, racial disparities went on and the CDC has discovered it. While the black Americans make up the 12% of the US populace, they accounted for around ½ of all the HIV analyses in 2014.

Date:   May 5th, 2016
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There is another STI that the doctors as well as the patients must watch out for and this is the Mycoplasma Genitalium. There is a new research coming from England that adds up to the proof that the bacteria Mycoplasma Genitalium or better known as MG. it is a transmittable type of bacteria that may be passed on through a sexual contact. To this day, the researchers were not sure of how the often symptomless infection, determined in the early 1980s and it was spread. However, the present study of over 4,500 British residents found MG as prominent in 1% of all those who joined and associated to the probability of sexual behaviors like multiple sex partners and unsafe sexual practices in the preceding year.

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